Read with an open mind and heart, as the Holy Spirit
may illuminate your spiritual understanding
which transcends all human ability.
may illuminate your spiritual understanding
which transcends all human ability.
These were the famous last words spoken by what is considered two of the most wicked men to ever exist in modern times. Anton LaVey & Aleister Crowley. I'm sure many of you on my friends list have heard of both of these vile men before & know about some of their wicked exploits. As they both were leaving this realm of existence, they both realized they had made a HUGE mistake by how they lived & the things they were involved in. They realized right then & there that the master they served (Satan) had deceived them and there was no second chance, although they would taste the second death, in a place in outer darkness where there is weeping & gnashing of teeth. They are in torment for an eternity and they can never escape. It's too late now.
We ALL have a choice to make. and the MOST important decision a person can EVER make is to accept The Gift of Salvation while there is time. Tomorrow is NOT promised for any of us & today is NOT promised for many. Today is The Day of Salvation. Jesus is The ONLY Way, The ONLY Truth & The ONLY Life & no one can come to The Father except through The Son. We ALL must have our houses in order & be found in the safety of The Ark of Salvation. Time is a luxury we just don't have anymore as dark & strange as the days are now, Trust me when I say we ain't seen nothing yet. HEBREWS 9:27-28~And it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment... So Jesus was once offered to bear the sins of many & unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto Salvation.
Y. SURII am a believer Archives
November 2024
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