Read with an open mind and heart, as the Holy Spirit
may illuminate your spiritual understanding
which transcends all human ability.
may illuminate your spiritual understanding
which transcends all human ability.
As I journey through this life, there are many lessons that I have learned along the way. One of the most important is: People don't change. Stay with me on this. I don't have enough fingers on my hands to count the times I have said to myself..."Maybe now things will be different". I thought that "time" would heal all wounds. I even pondered that maybe they will know what they did or maybe they felt the the pain of loss enough to change. Maybe that person may value me now? Maybe the pain of separation or the end of a relationship taught that person not to do that behavior again? I always thought that a person could truly change.
One of the hardest lessons in life is not believing what GOD says. Humans tend to make up their own opinion rather than hearing the Truth. What is "Truth"? Pilate—the man who handed Jesus over to be crucified—turned to Jesus in His final hour, and asked, “What is truth?” Jesus had just revealed: “I have come into the world, to testify to the truth.” Psychologists, your friends, parents, and the world teaches us that people can and do change on their own when they make that "decision". God, on the other hand says that people do not change-without HIM. He said the heart of a man deceitful above all things and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). Then Jesus continues and talks about a man's heart in the New Testament. He says, "For out of the HEART come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander" (Matthew 15:9). What does that tell us? That tells us that NO MAN can change without the supernatural work of God Himself. That person whom you are expecting to change, can not change. It's their PRIDE. Until that person is brought to the foot of the old rugged cross, he will remain the same. He or she can modify their behavior for a time, but they will go back to their evil nature. They WILL hurt you again the SAME way. Unless they are truly born-again from the Holy Spirit, they will repeat the same sins. Their sinful behavior could be lying, cheating, adultery, anger, unforgiveness, fornication, drunkenness, slander, pride, bitterness, jealousy, cold heart, abusive language, outbursts of anger, grudges, envy and the list goes on. Settle it once and for all. Don't allow yourself to keep getting hurt and disappointed over and over again and another year after year. The enemy is using them to keep you hurt and in bondage. They will NOT change without Jesus intervening in their life. Adulterers remain adulterers without the shed blood of Jesus our Messiah. Liars remain liars. Bitter people remain bitter. Pride keeps a person from being humble enough to bow their knees before God. The Fruit of the Holy Spirit produces good behavior (peaceful), not rotten. The evil fruit is a result of the fallen man. Satan is behind it. Resolve it once and for all. That's why they keep repeating their behavior. Their spirit is unregenerate. They are LOST and they don't know it. True Christians show the LOVE of God and their fruit is excellent. You will feel SAFE and LOVED around those who have the Holy Spirit inside of them. You will feel disturbed and unsafe around those who don't. Wisdom and understanding from God will give you peace. You will be able to forgive, pray for them for God to change them and have good boundaries. Some relationships may even come to an end for your own well-being. The Lord has a way of keeping us in His Word. Remember to let GOD be true and every man a liar (Romans 3:4). Let go and trust God!
Y. SURII am a believer Archives
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