Read with an open mind and heart, as the Holy Spirit
may illuminate your spiritual understanding
which transcends all human ability.
may illuminate your spiritual understanding
which transcends all human ability.
The world tells us to forgive because it is a poison to our souls. It is impossible to forgive without receiving the forgiveness God offers through His Son Jesus on the cross. Until you receive forgiveness, you cannot give it. Impossible! Just as much as if you don't receive God's love, it is impossible to give something you don't have. Wordly love and forgiveness comes from head knowledge and book knowledge. It is conditional. Let me explain.
Last night, I heard my Pastor speak about unforgiveness. By the end of the sermon, I sat before the Lord and prayed. He said God will not hear me or answer my prayers until I forgive every person. I thought of every person in my life that hurt me and I wanted to make sure I forgave them. I had so many! I am quick to forgive, but it is only the Holy Spirit who can show us our own self deception. Was I deceived? Did I harbor any bitterness in my heart to someone who did me wrong? Here are some of the signs of bitterness. Do you have them? 1. Smear campaign: You are so angry at the person who hurt you, so you gather others, one by one, to discredit them and put them in a bad light. You make sure people know how "fake" or a "bad" Christian they truly are. You are driven to tell others only things that will hurt the other person's reputation. "If they only knew..." 2. Slander: In your mind, because of your anger and bitterness, Satan will speak lies to you about that person and you WILL believe those lies because you are already deceived because of your sin of unforgiveness. You will believe evil things about them and spread lies and rumors to make other people believe the lies too. You make sure others know the "truth" about them even though they are truly lies. God calls that slander. Your motive is to destroy the person's reputation. It's all about your motive. 3. Rehearsing: Everytime you think about this person, you keep rehearsing over and over about what they said or did to you. You can't stop thinking about the offense. You are tormented by it. If someone else brings their name up, you only say negative things about them over and over again. Although that is expected when we've been hurt in a substantial way, it is a sign that we have not fully forgiven the person. We must do what the Apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 3:13, "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead." 4. Smirking: When someone brings up their name, you smirk or roll your eyes. You can't stand that ANYONE has ANYTHING good to say about them. You are happy at their downfall. You don't rejoice when they are blessed. Paul mentions in Ephesians 4, and it is sinful. Malice shows that we are harboring bitterness in our hearts. 5. Complaining: The first sign that I'm bitter towards God or others is when I complain often about my circumstances. No one can ever do anything right. ESPECIALLY the object of your wrath. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." But what are we supposed to give thanks for? That God will use what was meant for evil, for your good. It many not feel like it, but we can forgive and trust God. 6. You are jealous: When you see that person confident, successful and looking good, you are so jealous, that you begin to put them down and accuse them of vanity, obsession, undermining their looks and success. You are angry that others support them. Jealousy leads to murdering a person's spirit. It harbors hatred for the very things you yourself do not possess. James 4:2-3 "You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions." 7. You are sick: Even scientists have concluded that many diseases are caused by a bitter heart. The root of all addictions are unforgiveness. Almost all emotional disorders are rooted in anger, hurt and unforgiveness. MANY but not all Physical illnesses are also rooted from bitterness. Bitter people tend to have higher blood pressure and heart rate and are much more likely to die of heart disease and other illnesses. In Acts 8:23, Paul describes the “gall of bitterness.” It's a bile, a bitter substance that can literally make us sick. On multiple occasions, I have walked into a room and I can identify bitter people simply by looking at their face. 8: Your clan is bitter: We can begin to identify our bitterness by the type of people that surround us. Is each member of your family bitter? Are your children bitter? Do your friends encourage your bitterness and support it or do they confront you? Is your marriage bitter? Is your divorce bitter? Like all weeds, bitterness has a way of spreading. This passage describes one possible progression. A man infects his wife. She infects her children. The bitterness spreads, and soon the whole tribe is infected. "Beware lest there be among you a man or woman or clan or tribe whose heart is turning away today from the LORD our God to go and serve the gods of those nations. Beware lest there be among you a root bearing poisonous and bitter fruit." (Deuteronomy 20:18) Bitterness will turn you after other gods. You will downslide into following false teaching and the false teachers. 9: Silent treatment: When a person holds a grudge, they display it though silent treatment which is a form of control and manipulation. They won't pick up the phone, return a call or answer a text or email. Passive-aggressive people use this to abuse and hurt another person. It is a witchcraft spirit. They withhold love and hold on to grudges which is a root of bitterness. When a person is healthy, they will let the other person know that they are angry and processing but they will return the other's call within a frame of time. Romans 12:21 says, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." God will not forgive us if we don't forgive others. It is a commandment! Is there someone you need to go to to and ask for forgiveness for what you have done to them or how you have treated them? Did you slander them or lie about them? Did you tell others how bad they really are? Have you torn them apart on social media or the internet in a personal way? Have you spread gossip about them with others at Church? Do you call other family members and turn people against them from within? If you have done any of the above, you must repent. You won't make it to heaven if you don't. I mean...God said He won't forgive you either. We are not to harbor anything between our brothers and sisters in Christ. We must have right relationships and do everything and anything we can to make the wrong...right. Use wisdom and caution in all matters, but forgiveness is NOT an option no matter who and what has been done to us. Leave your gift at the altar and fix it! Confront the issue be be free in Jesus Name! We are to LOVE our enemies and pray for them AND do good to them. It doesn't matter if they respond well or not. You did what God commands. That's all that matters. "But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins." Matthew 6:15
What a mess we can make of our lives. We can live under shame and guilt for not measuring up to God's standards. There is not one person on this earth, unless they are full of unrelentless pride, that can say they haven't messed up and disappointed God and others. Pride shifts the blame. Just like Adam in the Garden. When God confronted Adam, he blamed the woman and God. Adam and Eve hid from God and they were naked and ashamed. Isn't that what we do? We hide from God and then quietly repent and then hope and pray that no one finds out. Especially among other Christians. God forbid your Pastor finds out!
Billions of lives are wandering the earth unaware that their destiny is headed down a dark, slippery slope to the flames of hell. Most of us are not concerned about those lives. Why? Because it's all about us. I mean...why should I be concerned for others when they are not concerned for me? I one cares to hear what I have to say. Right? Why should I say anything about my failures to others? In my selfish mind, I am a man pleaser. Not a God-pleaser. In my selfish nature, I know people will JUDGE me IF I choose to be transparent and expose myself. They will throw me to the Lions! So, instead, I will hide from others and put a fake face on. I will look perfect on the outside so I don't bring shame to God or my family. No one will know about my shameful sins. I will put them in a box for storage or sweep them under the rug. This is what most of you think. You think, that the more you HIDE, the safer you are from the contempt of others. What a lonely, empty life. Satan has deceived you. His job is to keep your mouth shut, as billions of people's' souls hang in the balance between heaven and hell. Instead of being transparent about your sins of immorality, drunkenness, drugs, porn, divorce, adultery, lies, abuse, anger, hate, bitterness, slander, racism, stealing, jail, abortion, etc., you hide them so no one will know what YOU have done. You get defensive if ANYONE asks you about it. Have you ever thought about your pride? You won't talk about how God delivered you because you are afraid to be judged? If asked, you give a quick one word answer in anger, "God forgave me!" Can you imagine how the Holy Spirit is grieved because you won't share your testimony to the world? You are full of shame, pride and guilt. Some of you haven't forgiven yourselves because it is rooted in PRIDE. Others can't receive God's forgiveness because it is still rooted in PRIDE. Until we repent of our PRIDE, we cannot be used by God. Most of our secrets will die with us. Until we lay ourselves at the foot of the cross of Jesus, we are in the way. What a lonely life to be so closed up. "Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life". -John 12:24 Forget what others think. Forget the shame it brings on your family. Live for God. Your family cannot save you! Let GOD use you! It will set you free! Your testimony will bring MANY to Christ. If you lose your life for Jesus, you will find it. You no longer have to live under shame or guilt once you receive the Love of God who is Jesus His Son. Think about how many people you can help by being open and transparent. It's time to get a backbone and humble yourself. Do you realize it takes a humble person to allow God to use them no matter what the price is? What price are you willing to pay? I pray many who read this will realize that God was not surprised by your choices and that He wants to use our failures and freedom as a living testimony to those who have failed and also currently struggle. People need HOPE in our world! Let's give it to them! Our God is powerful and He is the Mighty Counselor and Deliverer! True believers will REJOICE at your testimony! Don't worry about the rest. “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!" -Matthew 6:22-24
Which "light" do you have? Is the light actually darkness from the Satanic kingdom or is the light actually the Spirit of the living God from the Kingdom of heaven? Let's look a little deeper into this. We are living in the last days and they will be marked by deception. Deceived people do not know they are deceived. Self-deception is one of the worst forms of deception, because you can't see, even though you truly believe that you can. In fact, you will die believing that you know the "truth", when all along, you really believed a lie. You won't know until it's too late in the fiery furnace of hell. There is no way out. Light comes in many forms. It could be a lite bulb, a lighter, a fire, a candle, a feeling, a ray of sun, an emotion and even a bright gleaming of one's face. Every type of light I have mentioned is earthly. Spiritual lights can come in many forms. Orbs, angels, mystical clouds, ghosts, demons and even God or other forms of gods. This is where it gets tricky. Jesus warns us over and over again about deception in the end times. He even told us that Satan disguises himself as an "angel" of LIGHT. Even his ministers will come in the same form(2 Corinthians 11:14-15). When our eye is focused on the Light of Christ, our whole body will be full of His Light. The person with a single eye is devoted to treating other people right. The single heart, the single eye has integrity and is full of the light of God's truth because it is not cloaked with deception that darkens the soul by cover ups and selfishness. The single heart has nothing to hide because everything is out in the open. The single heart can see clearly and has discernment because it is full of God's light. The single eye sees properly and is clearly focused. It views treasures, especially wealth, with the right evaluation. It sees the great value of heavenly treasures and the worthless value of earthly treasures. The eye that is single has the ability to discern good from evil, to know that all that glitters is not gold and glamorous. People with a single eye are concerned about others. They are focused and alert to needs that people may have and they do something about it by meeting those needs with their assistance, encouragement or generosity. They realize that loving and caring for others in the name of Christ is "heavenly treasure" that pleases God. The bad eye is out for himself. It has no single-minded devotion to Christ because of embracing the pursuits of one's own desires apart from Christ. Consequently, the understanding is corrupted. Jesus' assessment is that if the "eye is bad," then every part of one's being will be affected. If the light of understanding that comes through the gospel and steadfast devotion to Christ is clouded or corrupted, then every part of that person's understanding is influenced. The way he looks at life, circumstances, tragedies, disappointments, relationships cannot be done with godly understanding. His "whole body" is "full of darkness." It is certainly not that a person is non-religious or that he is unintelligent. He may be very religious and extremely bright, but his heart is set on the wrong kind of treasures. He is earthbound, and has no consciousness of storing up treasures in heaven. His heart is found treasuring his own sinful desires, and he probably does not even recognize that anything is wrong with the condition of his heart. That darkness is GREAT. Compromise begins one after another. They actually begin to believe that evil is good for them. They begin to take the forbidden fruit. They feel as though they begin to become like God having knowledge. They think their evil is good in God's sight. Self righteousness. They begin to practice occult in the Church. Slowly but surely, they go to prophets to get a "Word from the Lord". They begin to read fortune cookies and practice the Chinese therapies for relief for pain. Maybe they will even begin to practice Yoga. They even smoke pot. They encounter demonic manifestations that come in counterfeit forms and they believe it is God, because it FEELS good. The list is wide and the road leads to destruction. The light they have is actually darkness. How GREAT is that darkness when they believe they are in the Kingdom of God. They believe God is blessing them and God actually approves of them. There is time to repent while you live. Go to the foot of the cross and repent of your pride. We have a counterfeit light in the end times. Do not trust your "experiences" if they don't line up with God's Word in context. Oh foolish Church! Who has bewitched you?! Most of us walk on eggshells. We don't even realize it. We are so afraid to say or do the wrong thing fearing a particular person or persons will leave us high and dry. The truth is, they will. The other side of it is, we do the same to others. Our tolerance becomes lessened as we age. We don't bear up or put up with each other as the Bible commands. In the New Testament of the Bible, we don't see the followers of Jesus backsliding or discarding each other for petty things. They left Jesus when He was arrested and only John and a few women showed up at the cross. People forsook Paul too. He was alone. But I am speaking about relationships. Our Church has gotten to a place where people really think they are Christians but they don't "love" each other fervently. It's all based on conditions. You can be best friends with someone for 20 plus years, and overnight, it's over because someone got offended. Instead of going to that person with the offense, their heart becomes hardened and you will never hear from that believer again. We all do it to each other. How grieved God must be with all of us. We are all guilty. We are all selfish. This is the condition of the hardened heart. We refuse to repent to the other person and make restitution to them. Sorry is NEVER enough. Not even with God. There must be true repentance before reconciliation. Sometimes the offense is so bad, reconciliation is a futile choice. Sometimes you keep giving chances and you get tired of the drama. It is understandable and wise to guard your heart. I mean...who wants constant drama? How can we say we love God who we can't see, but we don't love a believer who we can see? It's not possible.
If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a LIAR; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. (1 John 4;20) God loves us unconditionally. He is the only one who will. He compels us to come to Him but we constantly reject Him. He still loves us even all the way to hell. I can't imagine how He feels when he see his own creation in torment. In the story of Lazarus and the rich man in hell, he called the rich man in torment...Son. Wow. How powerful and sad. There is nothing we can do to change who He is. God is love. It is His love that changes us. After we RECEIVE it. It is free. By grace we have been saved. What a beautiful gift. Yet, He has certain requirements after salvation. It is terrifying. Search for the verses that say "if". There are conditions. He also has conditions, even though He loves us unconditionally whether we choose life or death. My heavenly Father will also do the same to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother from your heart.” – Matthew 18:35 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; – Romans 10:9 Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. – Galatians 6:9 If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless. – James 1:26 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; – John 8:31 “Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he will never see death.” – John 8:51 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him. – John 14:23 “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. – John 15:7 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. – Matthew 16:24 After we get saved, we MUST obey Him. We can't just live any way we want and think we can go to heaven. We won't. God has conditions. It's a heart issue. With our mouth we praise Him but our hearts are FAR from Him! Don't let anyone tell you lies. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. He is amazing! When you evaluate the people around you, you have to ask yourself...."If I stand against their ungodly, worldly religious and moral views, will they turn on me?" When you carefully evaluate and ponder the answer, it will alarm you. Most people will turn on you. Oh yes, they will. It keeps us from even going down that road. We don't even want to think about it. We are afraid to lose them. The truth is, we are all afraid to be alone. Most don't care if their loved ones are heading to hell, so they keep their mouth shut. We want everyone to like us. We know that if we truly took a stand against our parent, sibling, child or friend, for what they believe, they will get angry at us leave us. They will accuse us of being self-righteous. They don't believe a good God will send them to hell. They may play the narcissistic "silent treatment" or discard you altogether. Yes, they know that it hurts you. That's why they do it. It's all about "control". Control and manipulation which is truly the essence of the "witchcraft spirit". The witchcraft spirit hates the Jesus in you. It wants to isolate you. The wolf always isolates that one sheep so he can devour it. The safety of the lone sheep is with the body of the sheep and the good Shepherd. The good Shepherd cares for the life of His sheep. If you can't fellowship with other sheep in person, at least do it on the phone or video chat.
Your true family are the believers of Christ. Most of the people I have known in my life including MOST of my family have discarded me. Why? Because of my stand for Jesus. Yours will too. That's if you REALLY take a stand. That does not mean you are against them. It means you are for Jesus. Your very presence irritates their demons. When they hear your name, they cringe and roll their eyes. The false jesus they serve is different than your Jesus. That's why you can't get along as so-called Christians. One jesus is from Satan, the other from God. LOVE is the fruit of true believers. Don't be too alarmed. Jesus said this will happen. They will HATE you. They won't understand why they dislike you so much. They will slander you. Jesus said they will falsely accuse you. They will find others along the way to join in their disgust and bitterness. They will believe the lies of Satan about you. He is the accuser of the believers and they willfully believe the lies. One day, they will have to give an account to God who will judge the living and the dead. You will walk alone. The more narrow(holier) the road, the lonelier the path. Everyone forsook Jesus when He got arrested. They could not even stay awake one hour to pray for Him. The ones whom you thought would protect you, will leave you too. People are fickle. One day, they are your best friend or spouse, the next they are gone. Our love comes from God. Only then, can we forgive, love our enemies and pray for them. Our true family are the true believers of Christ. There are not many. We must forsake all to follow Him. They might think you are crazy, but it won't stop you. You will have to forsake all to follow Jesus. No more compromise. No more lukewarmness. Get rid of those ungodly and lukewarm Christian friends who influence you. They are leading you to darkness and compromise. How great is your reward in heaven! It is better to be alone than the enemy of God. If they don't want you around, then give them what they want. Stop begging people to love you. Love is a choice. Even God does not beg anyone to love Him. Billions of people hate Him every day and they are in hell. But I guarantee they thought they were going to heaven. Now they are truly alone. Forever in torment. Dear brother or sister, it is a high calling to serve our Master. The Maker of heaven and earth. You will be hated more than loved. Prepare your heart. You must die to yourself daily and take up your cross and follow Jesus. Even if it costs you your life. Don't seek to save your life. You will lose it. Forsake it for Jesus, and you will find your life. If you are not being persecuted and shunned, something is truly wrong with your walk with God. "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way." Matthew 5 But how? say. Wait, Yasmeen, don't you know what we are facing in the coming days? Yes. I have heard. My heart is beating fast, I can't sleep peacefully and my neck and back hurt. The world is coming to an end and the prophets are all saying the same things. They are saying peace for another 4 years. The same President will be in office. I doubt it. What if war starts? What if, what if, what if? This can't be good. How can I let all the media, the so-called prophets and conspiracy theories rob me of my peace? Because I am CONFUSED. Everyone is saying something different. I mean, it sounds like the twilight zone. But how did Jesus sleep so soundly in the back of that boat when the disciples thought they were going to die?
God is not the author of confusion. My confusion is stealing my peace and giving me anxiety. Are we all going to die? If not by a gunshot, then by the virus? Maybe they will throw me into a Fema camp? Wait, Jesus slept through the storm. Peaceful. How can I get that peace? I lay there and I hear His still small voice. "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You" (Isaiah 26:3). But it's so hard! Jesus said we will hear about wars and rumors of wars. Are these rumors or true? The truth is, it doesn't really matter. Whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. We are always in His presence. We will die at some point anyways. BUT...this is the day the Lord has made. I will REJOICE and be GLAD in it. Only God knows the future. No man knows. "In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that man may not find out anything that will be after him" (Ecclesiastes 7:14). Sooo...we should enjoy our lives. Get up in the morning. Enjoy tea or coffee. TURN OFF THE NEWS. Take a break from Facebook. Thank God for waking us up to praise Him another day. Listen to worship music. Shout to the Lord and be thankful for what you do have. Don't think about what you don't have. Take a hot bath or shower. Sleep often. Brush your teeth. Put on nice cologne or perfume, even if you are alone. Oh..shave please. Even if no one sees you. You are getting up for God daily and you are a steward of your body. Take care of it. I wonder if the angels know you are stinky? Haha. Decide not to think about anything negative or critical today. Think on things that are pure and righteous. Don't talk to anyone who brings you down for a few weeks...or never. Stay away from selfish people who don't care about you. Light a nice candle. Open the Bible. It's you and Jesus. Spend time with Him. You can't fix anything. Worrying will cause you sickness. Stress is the number one cause of disease. If someone dies, you can't control it. Let go of control. If those relationships aren't fixed, so be it. Let it go. They need God. Not you. We are all going to die unless the Rapture happens 1st. If someone chooses not to be a part of your life, it's okay. It may be best for all involved. It's not healthy. Life didn't turn out the way you wanted, but it could be an interesting Holy Ghost adventure. Just you and Jesus. Be with those who celebrate you, not tolerate you. Take the Yoke of Jesus on your shoulders. Forgive constantly. Stop rehearsing the bad that was done to you. It's over. Bury it. Leave it at the foot of the cross. Repent of your constant complaining and negativity. Remember God hates it. You should too. It's robbing your peace. Take a chair, get bundled up and sit outside for a little while. Feel the fresh air. Breathe it in! Watch the sunset every night. God painted it for YOU! Make some hot chocolate. Learn to bake something new. I did. Now I am addicted to homemade fudge. Turn OFF the NEWS. Find someone to love. Bless them somehow. Call them. Give to them. It's better to give than to receive. Be free in Jesus Name. Live while you can and enjoy your freedom in Christ. One day, the bad things and bad people won't matter. They will all go to the grave. So...LIVE and preach the Gospel. Love God and others. Dress up from time to time and wear your fanciest clothes at home, for now. You can't take them with you, so enjoy now and be grateful. Cook yourself a nice meal. Get rid of your bad friends. Stop trying to figure it all out. You won't. I promise. . VULNERABILITY is beautiful. We DON'T understand our hearts. We can see EVIL in others, but we have a lot of trouble seeing it in OURSELVES. That’s why God asks us to POUR our hearts out to Him. He knows that if we do so, He’ll expose our heart. He doesn’t expose it to condemn us but instead to heal and transform us. It’s also why God asks us to read the Bible. The Bible is called the Living Word. It cuts between the soul(will, mind, and emotions) and the spirit(where God dwells). The Bible EXPOSES our HEART. In other words, the light of the Gospel exposes the human heart in its greed, immorality, deceitfulness, jealousy and weakness. But the Gospel doesn’t end with our darkness. It exposes the darkness in our hearts for the very reason that God wants to give us His Light instead. He wants to set us free from darkness. The only requirement is our honesty, vulnerability and humility. The only requirement for receiving God’s help is asking for it. Let Him in to the secret places in your heart that you are afraid for Him to see.
We discover that no friend, no doctor, no medication can fill the deepest longings of our hearts, and so we cry out to the living God…and He meets us right there in our place of deepest emptiness. He gives us His strength in place of our weakness. He gives us His love in place of our selfishness. He gives us His joy in place of our despair. He gives us His hope in place of our hopelessness. It’s God’s nature to give, because He is love. And so that’s why being vulnerable feels like the worst thing but is really the best. Trust. It is the hardest to trust God because we can't trust others. It's hard to be vulnerable without trust. I promise you, Jesus will never break your heart, cause you harm or abandon you like everyone else. I know it's hard to believe. But just believe. Take one step. Take a chance to finally be free. Let Him in. Let Him love you in the darkest parts, the deepest hurts and break down those walls. He stands at the door of your heart. Can you hear Him knocking? Open the door. If it's hard, just do it slowly but at least open it. No more dry religion or hollow sermons. Why can't you love? Why does every relationship seem shallow? You keep choosing those around you who are closed off. Unable to give you intimacy. It's safer but empty. Why get hurt? I understand. But how beautiful it is to take a chance at being hurt rather than being hollow as the sound of a dried up well. You won't let anyone in. You are alone. In the depths of your soul, you are truly alone. Unable to feel the much needed love and healing that comes from the Almighty. He truly is the Mighty Counselor who you can be open and vulnerable to. He can love you like no other. In the depths of hell or to the heights of heaven, you cannot escape His love for you. You will live alone and die truly alone, no matter if you are truly alone or if you have many by your bedside...without God. There is nothing without Him. All is meaningless and empty. But the moment you become vulnerable to Him, you will thirst no more. Out of your belly will flow rivers of living water. The well of your soul will be full. No longer dried up. Ah...what joy! "The one who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’” (John 7:38, NLT) |
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